During these trying times farmers markets are an essential service and are critical to filling gaps in the food supply chain. The Waupaca Farmers Market is here to safely supply you with your food needs!

During the market our vendors will be taking the following precautions: 

  • At this time only vendors who sell produce, meat, eggs, canned goods, baked goods or plants that produce edible food will be at the market. Shop from our website for curbside pickup of not only food but many other items you normally find at the market-fresh cut flowers, self-care items, handmade goods, children's games and toys, products created by kids, and even Waupaca Farmers Market merchandise. 
  • Vendors will be spaced at least 6 feet apart from one another with individual lines forming at each vendor stall. Lines will be marked with a yellow rope and there will be social distance spacing guides (orange ribbon) spaced 10 feet apart along the rope indicating where you should stand in line. 
  • If vendors are sick, they will stay home
  • Vendors will wear masks or cloth face coverings. 
  • Vendors will be sanitizing hands, tables, and other surfaces frequently throughout the day. 
  • When possible vendors will have someone designated to handle payment and another person to handle product. 
  • Vendors will be handling product until purchased by you. They are the growers/makers, trust them to select your items with care!
  • Vendors will have single use bags. 
  • Vendors will not be giving out samples. 
  • At this time all market activities are cancelled.

While shopping at the market we ask our customers to follow these guidelines: 

  • We recommend using an alternate form of shopping via this website for curbside pickup. Limited delivery is also available for those with transportation or health barriers, see How It Works or contact the farm market manager for more information.  
  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Cover any coughs and sneezes with your elbow.
  • Face masks/coverings are required for all customers while at the Waupaca Farmers Market. Free masks are available on the center hand sanitizer station. Vendors reserve the right to refuse service to anyone not wearing a mask. 
  • There will be hand sanitizer stations placed throughout the market, use them often!
  • Do not bring children with you to the market if you have child care available.
  • Minimize the number of people coming with you to the market; this helps keep crowds smaller.
  • No reusable bags.
  • Do not touch any products. Our vendors are the growers/makers of their products, trust them to select your items with attention and care. 
  • No eating of prepared foods onsite. All prepared foods being sold are packaged to be consumed offsite. 
  • Maintain at least 6 feet of physical distance from other customers and vendors whenever possible
  • Come to the market at off-peak hours, peak hours are between 10am-12pm.
  • Pets will not be allowed at the market.